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Order - Bondsmith
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Everything posted by schirminator

  1. @GHOST n My new answer is no https://www.knightsradiant.pw/topic/11048-tkr-audit-changes/
  2. @GHOST n I do appreciate that you at least spaced out your posts lol
  3. oh jesus. I can't even imagine what a tier 10 light would do against other tanks. The t-50-2 was always in upper tier games so even splash damage was enough to kill it sometimes and a single hit would for sure wipe it out
  4. I haven't played in a super long time. I played a lot maybe 5 years ago and was really good at scouting (top 1% in t50 and top 80% in t-50-2). This was of course back before the physics update. After that, it was difficult to be a scout because a slight bump in the ground could send you flying though the air and both of your tracks would break in the middle of an open field. They eventually removed the t-50-2 which was disheartening because it was really difficult to unlock. I'd be down to play a couple hours here and there but won't be able to play today
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