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Posts posted by DragonKnight1998

  1. The poll lacks a neutral option, but even if it did have one, it is a subject that cannot be properly analyzed in an internet forum, let alone in a one dimensional poll.


    On one hand, the fact that pride (and diversity in general) is a subject that is openly talked about instead of being ignored or silenced, is a good thing. I also believe that the movement should become louder, especially when there are people who use every opportunity to bash on the pride and shout their bigoted opinions to the world (the more they try to push for their agenda, the more should people go against it).


    Now however we go to the other hand which is the crux of the problem: they are corporations. Massive power bases who exploit resources and people (as resources) constantly, who absorb and retain every drop of value something has, and who can exploit and delete cultures/ideals/struggles on a whim. Their support of the LGBTQ+ movement is a scam, one that people have not realized it's true proportions. It's reached the point that it's less of a marketing scheme and more of a political exploitation. Vote for the politicians we lobby because they vaguely promise they won't fuck up your rights... maybe. And to top it all off, they exploit the other side of the spectrum as well. Cons rile themselves up, push politicians to follow an agenda that is close to going against the rights of the citizen, and laws that allow corporations to exploit their workers further pass.


    The only way out of this is if the people gets their shit together, collectivize (pun intended) and fuck up the ones who exploit them, and who create differences between then.


    Tl;dr LGBTQ+ rights good, corpos bad,  gimme my guns

  2. I like Mumorpegers, I like the idea of them, but holy hell some of them have terrible communities. That and the fact that I don't have the time and rig to play one means that I can't play them at all


    I would love to blow stuff up in EVE online, but the way my pc is rn, it's more likely something will blow up irl.

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