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Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Avicenna

  1. As not only a theist, but also a theology major/philosophy minor, there is no "correct" moral course of action here. If you save the five over the baby because you're saving 5 people over the one, then you're saying that the one life is ok to sacrifice for the sake of the five, but is that the case? Do the 5 make the 1 any less valuable? If you save the one because the 5 are bad people, but the one has the chance to grow up and cure cancer or something, I'd argue the baby has as much a chance (if not more chance) of growing up to become a criminal as it does to grow up to cure cancer (or make an otherwise grand contribution to society). Philosophically, it is very difficult to make a solid case one way or the other. 

    As I imagine myself present in this scenario, I'm trying to think what I'd actually do in the moment. If the opportunity presented itself, I would try to get the baby off the tracks before I tried to switch the track and kill the criminals, even if it meant sacrificing my own life in the process. 

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