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Posts posted by Atomikz

  1. *atomikz Leaves Hidden Bunker after being placed in stasis for a short period of time*


    *atomikz Addresses Broken Casscadian Army*


    Citizens, I ask you to rise up once more, i know i have just come out of stasis while my citizens lived through a slaughter. 

    The Army of Casscadia was on retreat and our capital was surrounded. The battles where we lost and we lost faith in the leadership.

    In our current age, we must battle for our lives and must be ready to rebuild our country. The Empire of Casscadia Must rise again.

    I ask my Citizens to get back to work. i ask them to fight once more for the belief we are a free people and that valhalla awaits us. 

    The Viking Age of Casscadia begins now, We will pillage the enemy for their money and resources. They will fall under our boots as we march into their capital and open fire. 

    we will never be forced back into the dark ages. the casscadian Power company will be restoring the power asap.


    *casscadians roar in applause of General Atomikz*



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  2.              WAR DECLARED

    As the war slowed down for casscadia on the spartan front, an random odn nation declared war with a much larger army than the current broken ranks of the military of casacadia. 

    Casacadian forces are ordered to retreated and will only be able to defend since supplies are low and the ports are once again blockaded. The blood emperor has opened up the emergency bomb shelters and will continue to hold defend on the front with his personal gaurds. 






    Loyal members of the Casacadian naval fleet have broken through the spartan blockade that surrounded the waters of Casscadia. Weeks after it started, Casscadian military officials confirmed today that the blockade was destroyed after a small fleet of refitted trade vessels managed to sink the battle ready spartan navy.


    "it was a glorious victory" says micheal newyer. 


    As the war still rages on casscadia will embrace bigger battles and have to fight harder to survive. The empire is recruiting military navy and airforce personell.

  4. Weekly editions will be provided:



    The Infinite Dominion of Casscadia most trusted media outlet.


           WAR ON ALL FRONTS

    After a short time, The Casscadian forces told they were not on high alert anymore, but that war was here. 100,000 forces moved to secure cities and keep enemies from securing key locations.

    The Blood Emperor told sources that he would not stand for the fall of the tkr allaince. "He said the time for talk is over, those who cross Lord Atomikz or his friends at the tkr will be punished. "

    This being the second major conflict while sulfarus atomikz has taken office.  The citizens of Casscadia did not want to end up in a major conflict again but will do anything to stay sovereign. 


        The Slaughter of north cascadia

    On the verge of defeat atomikz declared another war with joel sequim of north cascadia, the war was a total victory and Lord Atomikz spared his enemies lives. 

    After the war joel and atomikz had a laugh about the two cas/casscadias meeting in battle.





    Multiple nations from eastasia declared war landing on the beach heads in helheim and nidavellier.

    After the 5 nation deflection, the 71 ship fleet of casscadia was sunk by large caches of airsupport. 9 ships currently defend the 8 city ports of casscadia.



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    The Reorganization of Casscadia


    Casscadia, a nation of peace, has been thinking about the reorganization of its empire into a democracy.




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