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Posts posted by Kinnick

  1. Like so many questions, the answers include a lot of gray area. There in a balance between using the precision of robots and losing jobs needed for people to support themselves and their families. If it can be done through working, income will come from other sources such as criminal activity or government support which is not a desired outcome. On the other hand, how much control should a government have over a private business?  Should the owner have to do something against their interests just to benefit society?  There are many questions here in this area, and I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. 

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  2. Need an option for both. Hot with nachos, grilled cheese, or hot ham and cheese and and cold with grapes, cold cuts, cubes for snacking. 

    actually room temperature is a good option too. 

    there’s a reason I don’t make polls. I’d end up listing 27 options. . .

    • Haha 5
  3. 6 hours ago, Miller said:

    Damn sorry to hear that. 

    Thanks, Miller.  Lost my mom at the beginning of the pandemic due to heart failure secondary to pneumonia but the doctor refused to test for covid saying it didn't matter because the outcome was the same.  Made me wonder at the time why they wouldn't test though.  I wanted to know if my father had been exposed.  If he had been exposed he didn't come down with it at that time in any event.  It found him later.  I know too many people (friends, neighbors, people from church) who have died because of this thing.  Sorry to be a downer, but it hit me today when I learned another friend was placed on a ventilator on his 14th day in a hospital and his wife has been told to expect at least a 2 month stay in a rehab hospital once he leaves the acute hospital.

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  4. I’ve heard of many, many positive test results lately. Lost my father to Covid in September and have had several family members get it.  All but 2 were vaccinated so at least they had milder cases. I have a history of lung issues so I’ve been careful what risks I take but I try to balance it with living and getting out too. 

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  5. Same old, same old. . .  I have a birthday coming up this weekend and even it isn't exciting.  Hitting the legal drinking age was cool and hitting retirement age will be good.  In between is just a vast wasteland of birthdays that mean little to nothing.  On that note, back to work!

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  6. Really depends on the time of year for me.  In December I enjoy it.  In March (I live in Minnesota so yes we get snow in March, sometimes April, and occasionally in May) I don't like it so much. By then the novelty has worn off.

  7. I have a friend who researches coronavirus in swine and was actually presenting at a conference in China about how the next world pandemic would likely be a mutated virus from swine that infected humans.  His concern is that variants tend to become more lethal the longer a virus is allowed to mutate so he is more concerned about what we may be battling in 5 years than we are today.  Who knows - I know I can't see the future.

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