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Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Ari1993

  1. 3 minutes ago, chris said:

    Stannis baratheon. Rules didnt say anything about the famous names having to be real people? So i dont think i broke any rule.

    Someone above us posted Jamie kanister and then another posted one of the Starks names.

    Um.....Benjamin Button

  2. 23 hours ago, chris said:

    ChWhat gave that away? Certainly couldnt have been the title of the topic.

    I bet ariel will answer back


    Edit: that aint right, ariel did answer back, and guessed me to be the next one to reply, so i texted her and told her i wasnt replying just because of that and now her post is gone. Cheater.

    I didn't mean to delete my reply yesterday. I accidentally deleted it when I went to go edit it. That was my bad. 


  3. Looks like Chris has an army of undead people. Many souls have died upon this hillside. Ha-ha  so now there is two battles to rule. The living.....and the......not so living........let the Games begin! Lol (Shrugs) it seemed funny In my head. 

  4. Lmfao. II turned Dismalia into a tree. Then I cast a spell that keeps me safe. The spell will make any of my enemys turn to dust. I have built an army that is almost impossible to get through. I built a castle with a mote. Alligators, crocodiles, priahnans are all swimming and waiting g eagerally for someone to snack on. 

    I now rule this hill! 


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