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Posts posted by BigMorf

  1. 𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:04 PM


    BigMorfToday at 5:06 PM


    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:06 PM

    Can I apply

    BigMorfToday at 5:07 PM

    so you'll need to make sure you've applied to join TKR in game and also posted an application on the forums.

    [5:07 PM]

    Once you've down those two things, we'll do an interview either here on discord or on the forums... whichever one is better for you

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:07 PM

    Ok I have in-game now I will do it on the forums

    BigMorfToday at 5:09 PM

    perfect. Once you've done that if you want the interview to happen here on discord you can ping us by typing @ oathkeeper without the space

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:14 PM

    Also what is an ingame Ruler

    BigMorfToday at 5:14 PM

    Your leader name

    [5:15 PM]

    Like you a have a nation name and you also have a ruler name

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:15 PM

    Ah I thought

    [5:15 PM]

    Something else

    [5:16 PM]

    Done: https://www.knightsradiant.pw/topic/8072-application/

    The Knights Radiant P&W


    Ingame Ruler: Paul Williams Link to Nation:https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=236099 Previous Alliances and reasons for leaving: N/A Do you owe anything: No Recruited by: Myself

    [5:16 PM]


    [5:18 PM]

    @Oathkeeper ready

    [5:19 PM]


    BigMorfToday at 5:23 PM

    Hey sorry!

    [5:25 PM]

    let's get started

    [5:28 PM]

    My first question is you said you were recruited by yourself. How did you hear about TKR and why did you choose to join us?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:34 PM

    Sorry for the wait, I was looking to join an alliance seeming as I have just joined the game I went on the alliance page looked at a bunch and I came to the conclusion that The Knights Radiant is the best choice

    BigMorfToday at 5:36 PM

    Well, hey, we like to hear that!

    [5:36 PM]

    So TKR requires that you use your nation's ruler name on both slack and on the forums is that okay with you? (if they don't match right now don't worry about it).

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:40 PM

    It's ok

    BigMorfToday at 5:41 PM

    Okay cool. TKR also requires the usage of slack. It's the primary means we use to coordinate with our members. It's totally free and easy to use. Are you fine with using Slack?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:42 PM


    [5:42 PM]

    What is that?

    BigMorfToday at 5:43 PM

    It's an instant messaging platform, kinda like discord but different. You can access it from your web browser and also download an app

    [5:43 PM]

    Very easy to use, and also free

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:43 PM

    Also how do I change my display name on the form and ok

    BigMorfToday at 5:44 PM

    We'll change your name for you after you get approved!

    [5:44 PM]

    Next question: TKR requires all members to maintain a warchest of money and resources for military preparedness. Is that something you're okay with?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:45 PM


    BigMorfToday at 5:46 PM

    Have you ever played any nation sims like PnW before? Like Cybernations or NationStates?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:47 PM

    Nationstates I have

    BigMorfToday at 5:47 PM

    Were you in any alliances in NationSates? if so which ones?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:48 PM

    The Conservative Assembly wich is now United Nations of Rhine

    [5:48 PM]

    I don't play NS anymore

    [5:48 PM]


    [5:49 PM]


    BigMorfToday at 5:49 PM

    Okay cool.

    [5:50 PM]

    How active do you plan on being? (ie how often do you think you'll check your nation/forum/slack a day?)

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:51 PM

    8-12 hours, and after lockdown 2-6 hours

    BigMorfToday at 5:52 PM

    okay cool! what timezone are you in?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:52 PM

    GMT 0:00

    BigMorfToday at 5:53 PM

    okay cool. Just a few more qustions

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:53 PM


    BigMorfToday at 5:53 PM

    Explain in your own words, which kind of a nation you want to become, and what kind of help you expect from TKR in this?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:56 PM

    I would like to become a powerhouse, a nation with large cities and a large military one wich takes part in wars often. And I expect some help from TKR, not alot but hopefully some.

    BigMorfToday at 5:58 PM

    Cool, glad you want to fight, war is a pretty big part of things here!

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 5:58 PM


    BigMorfToday at 5:58 PM

    What makes a good alliance and what makes a good member?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 6:01 PM

    A good alliance is one with medium taxes (40%) and plenty of grants. A good member is one who stands forever with an alliance and fights wars and will forever side with the alliance.

    BigMorfToday at 6:03 PM

    What can you bring into TKR? Why would we want to accept you?

    𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮Today at 6:05 PM

    I will advertise for TKR and will eventually start a business once my nation becomes larger and I will forever stay in TKR.(edited)

    BigMorfToday at 6:07 PM

    okay! Well, here's what will happen next.

    [6:08 PM]

    I'll post the interview to the forum, and some other guys might come in and ask you some more questions. Eventually someone will come in with the ability to approve or deny you. Make sure you check back on the forums perioidically to see and this channel for updates

  2. Spoiler

    BigMorfToday at 8:48 AM

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:48 AM
    @Oathkeeper, link to nation: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=236140
    The Kingdom of Denmarks
    The Kingdom of Denmarks is a 0 days old beige nation with 2 cities and 139.91 Nation Score. Located in Europe they are a(n) Applicant of the The Knights Radiant alliance.

    BigMorfToday at 8:48 AM
    Do you wish to do your interview here then? 

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:48 AM


    BigMorfToday at 8:50 AM
    Okay! So the first thing I see checking out your nation is that there are two nations on your Unique ID. Elsa Bernadotte of Norways.

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:51 AM
    Yes, that is because my friend made an account while in my home


    Darth Bunny the Fluffy Today at 8:51 AM


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:51 AM
    We are connected to the same internet network


    Darth Bunny the Fluffy Today at 8:51 AM
    You might need to verify your nation


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:51 AM


    BigMorfToday at 8:53 AM
    Someone more experinced with that can probably walk you through it, so we can continue with the interview for now. I'll ask you a series of questions!


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:53 AM
    Okay, I am ready to proceed


    BigMorfToday at 8:54 AM
    So we require that you use your Leader's name in game as your forum account name. Is that okay with you? (If the names don't match as this point don't worry about it we can change it later)


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:55 AM


    BigMorfToday at 8:56 AM
    Okay Awesome :). Second question, our alliance uses slack as a primary form of communication and it is required part of being in TKR, Are you fine to use slack? (you won't get an invite until you're further along in the process.


    Darth Bunny the Fluffy Today at 8:56 AM
    What made you pick TKR over every other alliance here?


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 8:58 AM
    Yes, I am okay with the use of slack. In response to the question as to why I picked TKR over every alliance that I got messages from after creating my account, the reason was because it had a compelling message but it wasn't excessive in its wording to persuade users at the same time.


    Darth Bunny the Fluffy Today at 8:59 AM
    Is your friend going to stay in the game?


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:00 AM
    Yes, they currently are staying with us for the next couple of months and we wanted to find a new game to play aside from video games in our free time from classes


    BigMorfToday at 9:00 AM
    Next question on my end is: For military preparedness, TKR requires all of our members to maintain a warchest of resources required for war. Are you ok with this?

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:01 AM
    However, to my knowledge they are in a different alliance but I can check to make sure
    [9:01 AM]
    Yes, I am okay with the warchest requirement


    BigMorfToday at 9:01 AM
    Do you think it'll be an issue with the two of you in different alliances? (He's joining the Mortals).


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:02 AM
    I do not believe so since I doubt we will interact in game, in all honesty


    BigMorfToday at 9:03 AM
    Have you played any similar nation sim games before (example: cybernations, nationstates): (Y/N) If yes, which alliances were you in, and for how long?


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:04 AM
    No, I have not played any similar nation sim games


    BigMorfToday at 9:06 AM
    How active do you plan on being? IE how often do you think you'll check the game/forums/slack etc?
    [9:06 AM]
    Also, what's your timezone? 


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:06 AM
    I will more than likely be able to check in at least once a day, perhaps and probably more
    [9:06 AM]
    Central USA timezone
    [9:07 AM]
    I checked my schedule and I will be able to check early morning, noon, and evening and late night


    BigMorfToday at 9:08 AM
    Okay cool! It doesn't take super long to check in and do stuff, like 5-10 minutes at a time if not less.
    [9:09 AM]
    Let's get to know you a bit more. Explain in your own words, which kind of a nation you want to become, and what kind of help you expect from TKR in this?


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:11 AM
    I would like to become a relatively stable nation, not necessarily a war-oriented nation at the moment, but if it is necessary, I would be willing to make changes to fit the situation and ensure that the nation is not at risk and prospers. I mainly would expect guidance from TKR, as what I have learned so far is that politics and war is a game that requires time and patience.


    BigMorfToday at 9:19 AM
    Just an FYI, war is a pretty big part of how TKR operates and we encourage raiding as the best way for your nation to grow and earn money!


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:20 AM
    Oh okay, that is understandable, I merely mean once a nation is relatively well-established, but like I said, I will adapt and am okay with that


    BigMorfToday at 9:20 AM
    Okay good! Adaptability is definitely important :).

    [9:21 AM]
    What makes a good alliance and what makes a good member?


    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:22 AM
    A good alliance I would say is one that provides guidance and mentorship to its new members, is able to discipline those who wish to disregard the established norms and a good member is able to provide the same support to their fellow members as they provide them and understands that established rules are to be followed not a mere suggestion.


    BigMorfToday at 9:27 AM
    Great! Next question is, What can you bring into TKR? Why would we want to accept you?

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:30 AM
    I can bring good conduct and strong motivation which would allow me to build up my nation and in turn help my fellow members in whichever manner they may need it.

    [9:30 AM]
    As well as, a sense of integrity to uphold the norms and rules put in place by the alliance leaders.


    BigMorfToday at 9:36 AM
    Okay! I’ll get this interview posted soon to the forum and someone with accepting permissions will come by and let you know if you’ve been accepted or if they have more questions. If you’re accepted, you’ll move onto the academy which will help you learn more about the game, war, and tkr!

    Prince Hans WestergaardToday at 9:38 AM
    Okay and thank you.


    BigMorfToday at 9:46 AM
    https://politicsandwar.com/account/verification/ Here’s the link for verification. Might be something you’ll need to do with your friend on the same network

    Verification - Politics & War
    Account Verification is a process by which you can have your nation reviewed and approved as an independent account. It is only necessary for players using a shared network (such as school, work, or home) where more than one person is playing Politics & War from the same netwo...


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