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Posts posted by Goomy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Isaacia said:

    I choose you, Mamoswine!

    Use Icicle Spear!



    Hit two time(s)!

    The wild Goomy fainted!




    Mamoswine gets scared and runs away. My and my fellow Goomies form a perimeter and fortify the hill, my hill.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Isaacia said:

    GO, Rayquaza!

    Use Outrage!

    The opposing Goomy has fainted

    My hill

    Was holding focus sash and survives ! Isaacia finds Goomy adorable and feels so bad that he hurt Goomy that he lets Goomy have the hill

  3. I am still kinda skeptic that Sanders will get the Democrat candidacy, Out of all party candidates He is who I hope will win but I think CLinton will probably get in. If people don't realize how bad trump will be for the US then you are all dooomed.

  4. I know that some people here follow the Dragon gods, though I don't see much info on it on TKR forums! Here is a list of dragon gods, you can sign up officially over at BoCs forums, Here;


    Valic: Unseen, unknown creator of the Universe.
    Created the Gods Ventus, Aecor, Obacasus and Mandora.

    Ventus, The Dragon Emperor(Dragon among the Clouds)
    Ventus is the Dragon Emperor, The King of the Gods. He lives in a Castle above the Clouds, Aedis, where he oversees the activities of the 8 Dragon Kings who rule the domains of Orbis. Controls the seasons of Orbis, father of Caeruleum. Created Humanity and all of Orbis’s Creatures.

    Matrona, The mother of Dragons, Goddess of Love.
    Matrona is the Mother of Dragons and wife of Ventus. The Goddess of Love, she lives with Ventus in his castle.

    Aecor, Dragon King of the Sea
    One of the Eight Dragon Kings of Orbis, Rules the Seas and Oceans of Orbis. He lives in his Underwater City of Caenaculum. Brother of Ventus, Guardian of all seafaring Vessels.

    Obcasus, the Underdragon(Lord of Death, King of Wyverns)
    Is the Underdragon, he rules the underworld, Summa. The Lord of Death is not a member of the Council of Clouds and prefers the solitude of Summa, where he lives within the Castle of Aedis. He is the King of Wyverns, and once fought a war against Ventus to claim the title of Dragon Emperor. He and his Wyvern army lost, Ventus placed him in charge of the underworld. And he lives in a castle surrounded by acid.

    Labes, Dragon King of Chaos, Lord of Madness
    Created from pure chaos, Labes is the Lord of Madness, he lives within the realm of Chaos and controls the chaotic forces within nature. He is at constant war with Immunis the Dragon King of Order. This war is only ever put on pause when Ventus orders a meeting of the 8 kings.

    Immunis, Dragon King of Order
    Lord of Order and Justice, Immunis is at constant conflict with Labes the Dragon King of Madness. He lives on the Moon overseeing the order of Orbis. He controls the laws of physics and nature. He maintains order where there is chaos and with at times come into conflict with the other Dragon Kings if it means maintaining order.

    Caeruleum, Dragon King of Wisdom(Lord of Steel and Technology, The Blood God)
    Caeruleum is the Dragon King of Wisdom, Lord of Steel. He is the most intelligent of the Dragon Kings. He is the son of Ventus and Matrona. He lives in the Castle, Inane, located, between the Moon and Orbis. He gave man the gifts of thought and taught them language. He lost his wings in a Battle with Aecor when trying to court Cruor, the Maiden of Bloodshed. Although losing his wings he won the battle and would marry Cruor. He then made a suit of armor with giant Steel wings, this gave him the title of Lord of Steel. And together with Cruor maintained balance on Orbis in regards to human wars. Other cultures having seen him in battle have called him the Blood God and have incited wars in his name.

    Chalybs, Dragon King of Tundra
    Son of Caeruleum and Cruor. Ruler of the Realm of Eremus, a frozen Wasteland inhabited by Frost giants and the Dwarven race. Eremus is also a place of never ending blizzard created by the flapping of Chalybs’ wings. He is many known as the father of Frost Giants and dwarves revere him as their one Deity. He is known to take human form from time to time. The people have many stories of Chalybs although he has many names and appears in multiple cultures. He is the Lord of Tundra and is the god of hunting.

    Tellus, Dragon King of Earth(Lord of Mountains)
    Dragon King of Earth, he rules the deserts, mountains, plains. He lives in a Fortress on top of the largest mountain on the planet Orbis. He controls nature and is the defender of the forest. Sometimes seen in the guise of a fox, seen as a trickster.

    Cruor, Dragon King of War, Maiden of Bloodshed
    Only Female among the Dragon Kings. Wife of Caeruleum, she is the Maiden of Bloodshed and Goddess of War. She oversees all conflicts and helps only those who pledge allegiance to her. If one nation becomes too powerful and balance is not maintained Cruor and Caeruleum will return Orbis to balance.


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