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Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Rogue

  1. That's good idea, I've turned off emails though, safer


    Japan77 - 97
    Otto Petersen - 59

    Infinite Citadel - 40
    EmperorPenguin - 37
    Kayser- 26
    Rook - 22 - I missed the last point
    BlackAsLight - 20 - you didn't add your own point
    Bear - 5
    Deus - 2
    Cenna - 1

  2. I value my inbox too much to allow that to happen :P


    Japan77 - 97
    Otto Petersen - 59

    Infinite Citadel - 40
    EmperorPenguin - 37
    Kayser- 26
    Rook - 20
    BlackAsLight - 19
    Bear - 5
    Deus - 2
    Cenna - 1

    I'm on 21 but I can't edit it, it won't save O.o

  3. 7 hours ago, Infinite Citadel said:

    Just finished a Masters of Science (Molecular Genetics). Currently taking a year off from school/working full time, then I'm planning on going to law school to become a patent attorney.

     Oh shit thats cool, and only a small change in direction lol. Is that something you've always wanted to do? 

    6 hours ago, japan77 said:

    It's great until you realize you have no hope of getting into places that value class rank

    Surely that's a flawed system when you get highly intelligent and successful student like yourself being in a good school, and not getting a university place. In the UK everything is done on grades. You could always move to the most rundown school you could find fir your final term (semester? Is that what it's called?) Then you get to come top and still get awesome grades



    Japan77 - 97

    Otto Petersen - 59

    EmperorPenguin - 37

    Infinite Citadel - 33

    Kayser- 26

    Rook - 19

    BlackAsLight - 10

    Bear - 5

    Dues - 2

    Cenna - 1

  4. Running is cool, as long as its not cold else you're mouth fills with phlegm :D Geez you must be so smart :o Our school absolutely sucks at academics lol, I'm getting mostly all A*s (the equivalent to an A in America) and the next person is scrapping A's, then most people in the top sets get B's or so. The average grade achieved in Maths is a D and English is the same. We're just rubbish lol, you're really lucky to have a good school xD What about you IC, are you in school/ college? Or are you past our stage in life ;)


    Japan77 - 96

    Otto Petersen - 59

    EmperorPenguin - 37

    Infinite Citadel - 32

    Kayser- 26

    Rook - 18

    BlackAsLight - 10

    Bear - 5

    Deus - 2


  5. The one guy who is our 800m first also plays tennis and badminton in regionals, and does 1500m and 5000m all in regions. He carries our whole team. They only  team we have that's semi decent it our rugby team (I'm UK) as we actually have some relative quality in the team, mixed with a fuck ton of big guys lol. Unfortunately I don't fit into either strength or skill, so I just am lucky as hell and happen to score loadsO.o 


    I'm sure you're school exceeds in other areas though, very few are crap everywhere like ours


    Japan77 - 95

    Otto Petersen - 59

    EmperorPenguin - 37

    Infinite Citadel - 31

    Kayser- 26

    Rook - 17

    BlackAsLight - 10

    Bear - 5

    Deus - 2


  6. I always have the same problem lol, I'm the 2nd for 800m, and the first is amazing, running it in 1:55, and I'm stuck running it in 2:19 lol. For our age 2:00 is the regional qualification time, so at district I get smashed every met. 


    Japan77 - 94

    Otto Petersen - 59

    EmperorPenguin - 37

    Infinite Citadel - 30

    Kayser- 26

    Rook - 15

    BlackAsLight - 10

    Bear - 5

    Deus - 2


  7. I'm on summer too, I always have to get up early though so I go to bed late and end up with like 5 hours sleep :/ I miss my sleep. I was getting like 10 hours sleep during exams, though that was mainly me going to bed to avoid having to revise lol.


    Japan77 - 92

    Otto Petersen - 59

    EmperorPenguin - 37

    Infinite Citadel - 28

    Kayser- 26

    Rook - 12

    BlackAsLight - 10

    Bear - 5

    Deus - 2


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