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Posts posted by Blazer

  1. I think this will discourage people to use them, but in wartime, people will just have a bigger food stockpile, like Micchan said. Now if radiation lingered for longer, say 20-30 days, then that would discourage people from nuking. 8 days is too small of a timeframe for people to care about it. They'll be like "I can wait it out" But if it was longer they would be discouraged from it happening. Now, that doesn't mean alliance won't discourage it, it just means we have to wait and see. 


    Right now, anything is possible. 

  2. On 7/4/2016 at 5:18 AM, Woot said:

    Trump is a ridiculous candidate, but I don't hate him yet. Going against Hillary makes him palatable in comparison. I don't think congress would work with him if we won, no matter what he wanted to do.

    Oh, but money will convince any person to do things your way. 


    Trump is an idiot. Hilary is a liar. Do I support any of them? Nope. Do I rather have a liar than an idiot? Mmmm, sounds tempting, but I'll pass. Trump could have some good ideas, which may sound crazy because trump and good ideas don't go well together. I do like Hilary for a reason. She isnt going to ruin the nation, hopefully. I'm leaning towards her.


    On 7/4/2016 at 9:18 AM, Chiron said:

    when the option is trump or hillary it makes me feel very sorry for the american people. Also is it me or were there literally no moderates in this election, every one of the candidates seemed to be too extreme on one thing or another which made them a bad choice.

    Also heres the thing with trump v hillary. Most of trumps stuff will get blocked by congress because congress, but hillarys stupid stuff wont get blocked by congress because its the sort of stupid stuff they like to pass.

    And this is why I am divided. Hilary can do something.

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