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Infinite Citadel

Order - Bondsmith
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Posts posted by Infinite Citadel

  1. On 1/26/2016 at 6:54 PM, Lord Darien said:


    You are the San Francisco 49ers. The 49ers have had a successful history, winning 5 Super Bowls between 1981 and 1994. Unfortunately for them, they're in San Francisco. I figure if Renly Baratheon had to choose a city to live in, it'd be San Francisco:




    On 1/27/2016 at 11:12 PM, Lordship said:

    Sure thing mate lol

    You are the New England Patriots. Originally the Boston Patriots, the Patriots renamed themselves the New England Patriots after moving to Foxborough in 1971. On the backs of Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck, the Patriots have been one of the best dynasties in recent memory, similar to how you are the best LoL player in TKR in recent memory. 




    On 1/27/2016 at 11:18 PM, Robert E Lee said:

    oh, this will be soo, lovely. You are a fine gentleman IC.

    You are the Denver Broncos. Hailing from Denver, Colorado, the Broncos are one of two teams in the NFL that is located in a state that is marijuana friendly (The other being the Seattle Seahawks). Similar to the people of Colorado, you love dank weed. The Broncos are also led by aging Quarterback Peyton Manning, who in his glory days was second fiddle to Tom Brady (similar to how in LoL, you are second fiddle to Lordship). 




  2. 10 hours ago, Cenna said:

    Do you have an idea for rp? If so, share it. I wanna see ideas. What are your interest would you want a sort of rp war of everyone versus an OP nation (me)? Would you want one side vs the other? Let me know what you think.

    RP of the Orders against one another maybe? We can use the map of the world in the series:



    idk just throwing it out there

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 hour ago, NerdDragon said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    "Renarin is not safe, but you will see a lot more from him in the future, even if he does die."

    really now?

    Yeah I don't really get that part. 


    He dies then plays a major role in flashbacks or some shit? idk


  4. 11 minutes ago, Alex Taylor said:

    Uhh wtf happened?

    Alyster seemed to have over reacted/made a rash decision in the heat of the debate. I've sent him a pm, so hopefully he comes back when he's calmed down. Granted he's jumped into vacation mode for a year so idk if there's much I can do for him there.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sargun said:

    Hey, guys.  I just finished Way of Kings and Words of Radiance.  We don't seem to have a discussion thread on the existing books.

    Can anyone tell me what the fuck is up with Urithiru?

    What about it? From what I've read:

    • I think it can only be accessed by Oathgates like the one Shallan found on the Shattered Plains.
    • Apparently it's in the mountains, and there are some small villages nearby 
    • Since they found it at the end of the book, I figure we'll find out a lot more in book 3
    • http://coppermind.net/wiki/Urithiru



  6. Poll 3: Which Early Modern Country had the most impact on modern society/civilization?  

    Early Modern = 1453 (Fall of Byzantium and the end of the Hundred Years' War) to 1860 (right before the US civil war and Germany's unification under bismark)


    • Base your vote on what they did during the time period, not after.
    • Since this time period overlaps with the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, I'm not including them and including Prussia/Austria instead (Spain had a role at one point as well). 
  7. 18 hours ago, alyster said:

    post, also explain, I have no idea about nfl

    You are the Cleveland Browns. The Browns hail from Cleveland, Ohio, and have struggled to find success since they were reestablished as a franchise in 1999 (compiling only 2 winning seasons in that time period). You are similar to the Browns because like yourself, the Cleveland Browns also have no idea about the NFL.





    • Upvote 3
  8. Mistborn is Brandon Sanderson's best piece of work yet imo (I considered making this alliance themed on that series initially, but I felt The Knights Radiant was a more fun theme than The Final Empire :D). 

    For those that haven't read them, here's a non spoiler summary:

    There's a three book stand alone trilogy: http://www.amazon.com/Mistborn-Trilogy-Boxed-Hero-Ascension/dp/076536543X

    • This is complete, there aren't any cliff hangers or anything

    Recently, there's a spinoff series that takes place on the same planet a few hundred years later, focusing on the descendants of the first trilogy. There are three books out right now (Sanderson sat down last winter to write #2, accidentally finished #3 at the same time lol). 

    He also released a novella that takes place in the original trilogy, it's digital only and wasn't even announced:

    I haven't read Shadows of Self/Bands of Mourning/Secret History, but the original trilogy is fantastic and Alloy of Law was worth the read imo. Will post again once I've finished Shadows of Self/Bands of Mourning :) 

  9. I'm hoping it'll come out in 2017 (I'll probably reread the first two once I'm done with the Wheel of Time)




    Oathbringer Update Two

    Hello, reddit. I figured I’d pop back in and give you a new update on your book. (I can't believe it's been six months since the last one.)

    I’ll give a slight spoiler warning to everything below this paragraph. I’m obviously not going to say anything story-wise that would spoil the book. However, I’ll be talking a little about the structure of it and what’s going on with the draft. I can see some people, very sensitive to spoilers, being concerned about learning anything at all about the book. For you who fit this description, let me just say that I’m approaching the halfway point, but I’m not there yet. The book is going very well, and I’m pleased with it.

    Now, on to a deeper discussion of the novel. The first thing I did for Stormlight 3 was work on the flashback sequences for Dalinar and Szeth, as I hadn’t yet decided which one would match this book. Through this process, I decided on Dalinar--a decision contrary to my original outline from the start of the series. This didn’t concern me; the decision was made based on how the series had developed, and it’s always good to expect some things to change during the actual writing. (For example, much of Kaladin’s plot from book two was originally slated for book three.) Being too slavish to an outline isn’t ever a good thing.

    This decision made, I sat down and wrote Dalinar’s flashbacks in their entirety. By the end of them, I was completely convinced these were the best paring for this book. That meant, as this was "his" book, I wanted Dalinar viewpoints to show up in all five parts of Oathbringer. You see, Stormlight Books have a kind of strange format. I plot them in this bizarre fashion that likely makes sense only to me. But I’ll try to explain.

    I split each book into five parts, which group together to form three chunks plotted like individual volumes of a trilogy--with a large, over-arching plot that ties into the five-book arc of the initial sequence, which in turn is half of the complete ten book arc. Each volume, then, has a complete trilogy’s worth of arcs and climaxes for the primary characters (Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar) while also having a self-contained flashback sequence, at least one secondary novelette about a character that hasn’t had viewpoints so far, and a related short story collection. The “main character” for the book gets, beyond their flashback sequence, a role in each part of the story.

    So this means a slightly larger plot for Dalinar, and a slight scaling back for Kaladin and Shallan. (Don’t worry; both will be in the book around as much as Kaladin was in Words of Radiance.) Now, the plotting for Oathbringer--as I mentioned--is broken into five chunks, which combine into three chunks. (I call them books here for lack of a better word, as the novel--like each other in the series--is a trilogy bound in one volume. Don't be confused. This doesn't mean I'm splitting the book for publication, only that it is plotted in a way with divisions between the story arcs.)

    “Book One” of Oathbringer is all of Part one, plus the interludes. “Book Two” is parts two and three, plus two sets of interludes. “Book Three” is parts four and five, plus interludes. Of these, part two is going to be the biggest oddball, as I’m putting another novelette (separated into six chapters) in here as I feel I need a glimpse at another character. So it’s going to have the least focus on primary viewpoints.

    I’ve finished all of the flashbacks, all of the viewpoints for part one, the novelette for part two, and part of the other novelette (the one that will take the place of Szeth from book one or Eshonai from book two.) This, so far, puts me at about 180k words written--with 130k of that being part one in its entirety, and the rest being scenes listed above.

    If that sounds confusing, I apologize. These books are somewhat involved to write, and more complex stories demand some outlining that gets a little crazy. However, I did whip up a visualization of the viewpoint structure, which I’ve posted below.

    Stormlight Three Visual Outline

    This doesn’t give an exact view of scale, as--for instance--part one will likely be the longest of the five. Part Two looks the most full, but it’s likely to have only three or four chapters from each of the primary characters (well, one chapter from one of them) so it should actually be shorter than part one. Part Five isn't cut off; I know it will be short, as it was in the other two books.

    Next up is to do a revision of part one. (I don’t often do revisions in the middle of a book, but with books this long, it’s helpful for me to keep the plot under control and maintain continuity through the parts.) From there, I’ll write Dalinar for part two, interweave with the appropriate flashbacks and the already-finished novelette, then look at the detailed plotting of the other three viewpoints in the part. I hope to bring this part in at around 70k words, bringing the total book to 200k and getting us to roughly the halfway point.

    If this makes your head spin, then don't worry, you can ignore it. It is important to me that these books, though epic in scope, retain a tight view of the primary characters through all volumes. You will see a lot of Dalinar, Kaladin, and Shallan. You will see a moderate amount of Szeth, Eshonai, Jasnah, Adolin, and Navani. There will be a few surprises regarding other characters who have slightly larger places in the plot, but in general, anyone not on one of the above lists isn't allowed more than a viewpoint here or there. (Until the second five books, where our primary characters will shuffle. So you Renarin fans will have to be patient.)

    I'm determined to maintain momentum in this story without letting it veer too far away from the primary plot. I feel that a careful outline and a consistent structure are the methods by which I will achieve this.

    Thanks for your patience.


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