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Posts posted by Mitsuru

  1. Overeating yourself for the sake of views while over a billion people have no adequate access to food in the world is one of the more perverted things humans can do that doesn't include violence or deceipt, isn't it?

  2. 1 minute ago, Joe Schmo said:

    I'm not sure calling evergiven getting stuck a blockade is right. But yeah that did mess things up for a good long while.

    That's what I mean. Every now and then the fact that English isn't my native language comes to shine.

  3. Depends.


    Though too much outsourcing isn't going too well for us in the West right now, is it? And I'm not even talking so much about Russia but more about the fact how China's harbors are months behind on shipping due to their restrictive covid laws. Or the fact that the blockade of the Suez Canal disrupted international trade in a way that a backup for months was created.

  4. I don't mind a bit of icing on a cake (though I still prefer no icing overall).


    I prefer muffins over cupcakes though precisely because of the icing. Just a little is too much on a cupcake because the cupcake is so small.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Etat said:

    No comparison to your friend Mitsu who sounds like she has some sort of medical condition, however I've broken several bones over the years including both arms, nose (not sure if this counts), ribs, and last year my fibula after dropping a sheet of tin on my ankle.

    She definitely had some sort of medical condition but I am unaware as to the intricacies of it since we were like only 9-10 and thus I didn't have much interest in that. And then after fourth grade we lost contact rather quickly.


    BUT while she definitely had a condition, she was also a klutz. She broke her foot three times by falling down our stairs each time. I've lived in this house 20+ years and have not fallen down the stairs even once. She also broke several bones in school. Tripping on the school yard, tripping in class, tripping in PE, etc. etc.

  6. Back in elementary school, I had a friend who broke her bones very easily. If any of us visited the other, I would usually visit her house. I think she went to my house maybe 6-7 times over the course of four years. She broke her foot on three of those occasions.

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