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Posts posted by Laffopuritain

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kebsla said:


    1.Just drink its blood, though you may have to kill it if a dead one isn't already lying around.


    2.Yes, they're smarter than your average horse and they shoot lightning out their horns.


    3.Maybe.. you may never know till it's all over, but the curse you know is "for drinking Unicorn Blood is that if you don't drink it reguarly you start to hear the My Little Pony theme song constantly everywhere you go like Tinatus" 


    4.Just a well known scientific fact Unicorn Blood makes you live longer like eating fruit and doing exercise. Maybe you get a couple days maybe you get a year.

    Definitely not then.  A year isnt worth it for me. I dont even exercise, and that would give me more than a year

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