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Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Kayser

  1. I've seen larger leads disappear. 


    If any two people on slack wanted to they could get a decent lead (100 or so) in a like an hour. ( the largest lead I've seen being a couple hundred over the second highest post count)

    Japan -12





  2. Guys make sure to keep the running count of all posts :P


    Also, while not a rule. It is implied that you guys post something other than just your post count/running post count. Otherwise it would be extremely boring. 

    Japan - 10

    Bear - 4




  3. For those of your who don't know this spam game here are the rules


    1. Make a post, any post and add a point to your counter 

    2. Keep track of every member's counter in a list from highest to lowest number

    3. No double posting

    4. You cannot subtract points from anyone unless they have broken rule 3

    5. Highest point count is the King of Spam ( insert phallic joke here) 


    Lets do this


    Kayser- 1

  4. 13 hours ago, Deus said:

    It will turn into a pornfest, but I like the initiative.


    11 hours ago, Rin said:


    I was thinking the same thing lol

    wat. why would you think that? 


    lets try to be a bit optimistic :P 

  5. 1 minute ago, LordPenguin said:

    I like that idea. This gives larger nations more power, but not too much of an advantage.


    Also, I can get on making a map. Do we want a map of USA with redrawn borders? A completely new map? One giant island world?

    I'd say make an entire new map, the world is Orbis, Lets see how creative we can be :)

  6. Just now, schirminator said:


    Hm I wonder what that map would look like.


    Each nation could have varying levels of technology to mix things up a bit

    funny thing is in CN we got so deep into the story someone eventually made a map for it :P


    Our leader decided to have our RP country declare war on UPN (we had a grudge against CN UPN) and we role played the war as commanders/soldiers in the different parts of the military. The map even helped us out with geographic decisions.


    Another RP scenario we can add is have our in game infrastructure correlate to our RP wealth or something, like. The super nations would be rich members of our country so their personal possessions would be a bit more expensive

  7. 1 minute ago, Albgast Vulpes said:

    True that.

    As for the time theme, or whatever.. I say we leave it ambiguous. Since there are going to be a plethora of "characters" each with their own nations storys and backgrounds.. It could be a sort of mish mash of different things.

    In the RP we're all citizens of the country of "Radiant" kind of like how we're all members of TKR, instead of the leaders of our own countries. But our characters are our in game characters. 

  8. Just now, Albgast Vulpes said:

    Hmm, would we be using our P&W leader's as characters?

    Yeah, I think using our leaders as characters would provide the best entry for most people if they want to make a quick addition to the story.

  9. Just now, schirminator said:

    Well I guess that means I should really read the book series so I understand everything more. It's been on my must read list sInce when I started playing last December 

    I don't plan for the world to be the world of the Stormlight Archive, it would be a fictional "Earth" just the countries are named after the alliances of Orbis. The time frame wasn't something I considered. 


    Would a Modern Age be the best fit, Classical? Victorian? Industrial?

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