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Posts posted by Laffopuritain

  1. Companies can't care- they're not people.  Just like tKR can't care about the war in ukraine, even though it has a flag supporting Ukraine.  


    The person who created the flag, however, can and does care, just like I'm sure many of the people care in companies that theme pride month

  2. I believe there are some crimes thatd justify Punishment, but I dont believe there is a society that is capable of consistently judging which situations these are.  Until we can (1) limit Punishment to these very specific cases without a chance of expanding it depending on who's in office and (2) eliminating mistakes in judgements,  it is better to not have Punishment

    • Like 2
  3. I'm for tilting the power toward workers.  If workers demand more than they should, a business will not give in, because they can't make money.  If a company demands more than they should, the workers will take it anyway and pee in bottles to keep their jobs- because they have no power.


    It is in the unions interest to come to a fair deal.  It is in the company's interest to screw over the worker because there are millions more if the set you have quits

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Eclipse said:

    Ik this has something to do about abortion in America but these answers aren't exactly clear. 

    ? This is about being in a boat in a shallow river

    • Haha 1
  5. I enjoy the clever and unexpected.  I love jokes that take someone's words and makes a completely different meaning from them.


    I also love playing the dumb American stereotype to the newbs.  What category is that?

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  6. I was on the swim team in middle school.  I was never very fast, but I could swim laps for hours without stopping.  It's been a long time since I've been in a pool though.  We don't have access to any pools around here

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