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John Henry Eden

Order - Bondsmith
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Posts posted by John Henry Eden

  1. 12 hours ago, Sebastian Castellanos said:

    I again use Elizabeth Booker's interdimensional travel find a hill where John Henry Eden and black as light never took it.  I then crown @schirminator as our prairie dog King while I put up an emp forcefield so @John Henry Eden will never be a problem again for his computer can never track the hill for anything, so therefore to him, the hill does not exist


    That's dumb because I control many many human soldiers...

    Also... We still have the hill, you just have another different hill in a different dimension. Therefore the hill you took is not the correct hill and me and black still reside on it. Also the Schriminator that you crowned is a dimensional copy of the real Schirminator so it is not the real schirminator.....

    Think about it next time :P


  2. 2 minutes ago, schirminator said:

    Before you got there, I made thousands of prairie dog manikins and inserted fake heartbeats from build a bear workshop where best friends are made. I heated up the manikins and my colony left to an undisclosed location that's impossible to find by any detection technology or Blackmagic. You wasted millions of dollars on chemicals to no end.

    My undisclosed location!

    millions ? na it was free. Thank Alexander for allowing me to re synthesize the lost strain ;) And I will find you eventually.

  3. An Enclave satellite installation detects the presence of a large prairie dog community. Suspecting that this may be Schirminator a full extermination team from the Enclave chemical corps is dispatched.

    First Vertibirds fly overhead on the field dropping incendiary explosives to burn anything organic on the surface of the and eliminate resistance. Next multiple injection pipes are inserted into the prairie dog tunnels and the Enclave's most powerful bio-weapon. (FEV curling-13) is piped into the tunnels. Because the prairie dogs are not mutated creatures, they will die in approximately 14.5 hours from cerebral hemorrhaging and total organ failure. (a .0001 % aerosol solution is enough to kill a fully grown adult human.)


    Stay away from Black's hill !

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