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Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Fanag

  1. Yeah, SAO had an interesting concept but the anime was painful to watch and Log Horizon did it the right way. I hope there's a third season in the near future.


    Although near the end with the observors and 'collectors' it got sort of confusing for me.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I chose the Syndicate. I included the fact they were vital in our early days and they still are the center piece to our coalition. While our military success and alliance grwoth has been impressive tS has been important beyond their actual numbers to say we are better than them.

  3. http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/06/24/480949383/britains-google-searches-for-what-is-the-eu-spike-after-brexit-vote


    Given one of the debates against Scottish Independence was that they would no longer be in the EU I found the outcome hilarious for the Scots. I also was incredibly amused the English and Welsh choose to cut off their nose to spite their own face, I've keep a close eye on their politics for sometime and it was a masterstroke for Farage and Johnson (until his good friend Michael Glove betrayed him).


    Also the memes that ensued were amazing.





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  4. On 7/9/2016 at 1:17 AM, Piratemonkey said:

    Removing environmental regulations is a horrible idea. You do realize that not having environmental laws and regulations led to the near destruction of our planet? Unless you believe climate change isn't real and/or isn't human caused. If this is the case then you are wrong based on legitimate and significantly supported scientific evidence.


    The private sector has proven that, when allowed to, they will exploit the limited natural resources on this planet until there is nothing left. The only reason businesses are becoming green is because regulations make it cheaper for them to do so. If something else didn't make it cheaper, then the cheapest option would be to exploit nature. That's how business works, that's how it's always been, and that's how it will continue to be unless we put some restraints on the inherent greed that mankind exudes. The private sector cannot be virtuous, mostly because doing the right thing isn't usually the easiest and most profitable course of action.



    I agree removing environmental regulations is a bad idea. I didn't say I support their positions. I said, "  their policies are summed up as ... "



  5. He's contradicted himself so many times in the campaign that I honestly have no idea what he would do aside from making ostentatious displays, speeches, and statements. He's not firm on almost anything he has said. The only policy he has stuck with is building a wall on the Mexican border. If he really cared about border security why not just use that money to fund the US Border Patrol? Hire more personnel, invest in technology, etc rather than something someone can just go over with a ladder, tunnel underneath, or make a hole somewhere in the thousands of miles wide border. On Foreign policy, he surprises me somewhat with his frequent non-interventionist statements which are an appealing contrast to the very hawkish Clinton, despite his contradictory comments about what he would do if he led us to a conflict. His statement over negotiating peace between Israel and Palestine thoroughly pissed off the Republican establishment who love to kowtow to AIPAC and that was rather refreshing to see them get humiliated in that regard. Now if only the same thing happens to the NRA. Those lobbyists need to be humbled, especially the NRA for blocking even research into gun violence. It would have been nice to have Joe Biden run since he veers on the side of restraint, but that ship sailed. Not to say he doesn't have his own problems and faults like the rest of the candidates we were presented with this election.


    I'll probably vote Democrat (with great reluctance) simply so a few potential Supreme Court vacancies coming up aren't chosen by the Republicans. I would have considered third parties since they actually stand a chance of having a significant percentage of the vote due to the general election unpopularity of both Donald and Hillary. The Green Party only recently removed from its platform support for homeopathy, alternative medicine (I'm actually not certain on this), and anti-vaccination. It's the difference between seeing them as progressive, social-democrats and new-age hippies and anti-vaccers. It's surprising to see from Dr. Jill Stein since she is a medical doctor.


    The Libertarians have this guy running for Senate in Florida. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus_Sol_Invictus They actually considered John McAfee a viable candidate and their policies are summed up as legalizing marijuana, completely deregulating the economy (which led to the 2008 recession, thanks, Bill Clinton), removing environmental regulations, and saying abortion are okay.

  6. Definitely don't recommend over 6 players you run into issues where combat drags and some people feel left out/everyone has less to do. 4 is optimal, 6 is what I recommend at max. I could DM and have several ideas for several settings and time periods, but I don't think I'd have the time and I wouldn't want more than 5 players other than DM for such a game (if I had plenty of time I would run 2 separate games, haha). I also wonder what gaming system (I'm assuming D&D) or rule set (3.5/5) people were interested in. 

  7. The Stellaris multiplayer is the most stable of any paradox game out including the later released HoI4. I ran a game with 16+ people with zero issues and we played for 8+ hours on a weekend. Great fun was had. It's definitely an excellent mp game.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I got Hearts of Iron 4 and it's dope. Best of luck with Eu4, I stopped playing it recently primarily because I didn't like the changes specifically Common Sense added. The fort system is interesting, but the AI ignores it which makes building forts pointless. They made changes to the AI too that I didn't enjoy much such as long standing alliances suddenly breaking because they suddenly want all your land, Ottomans allying Bohemia or Austria and killing everyone. This was around March so I don't know what has changed since.

  9. They recently came out with some updates and plan to do more for Stellaris. I haven't played it much since I binged on it for the first two weeks but I look forward to seeing the new changes when I'm not so busy.

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