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Posts posted by TheCreepyLurker

  1. 59 minutes ago, Mitsuru said:

    I think @TheCreepyLurker probably needs a thread on his own to publish his photos. :P

    It's been considered.  If there are other photography minded people, I'd considered setting up something for people to ask questions.  I'm no pro, but I do know a few things and enjoy teaching.


    Taken at Judge Magney State Park, near Grand Marais, Minnesota, USA.  



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  2. I prefer to live in the now.  To know when or how I would die would take that away from me.  Afraid to do the thing that leads to my death (hiking on a cliff, using a knife, walking the street, driving a car, etc...) or, dreading the date that comes.  

  3. Welcome to TKR, @Mayan.


    The reason loans are limited for new players is the high risk of loss.  Many of our newest members play for a few weeks and then leave the game.  It doesn't grab everyone.  As a result, if we were to loan out money to these players, it is the equivalent of simply deleting money from our bank.  This is not something we're too interested in doing.  


    However, we do offer new nation aid to members meeting specific requirements.  Further, once you get your military up and running, "cash crunch" shouldn't be a problem.  

    • Thanks 1
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  4. Just now, Bear said:


    On a sidenote, I'm tempted to try and put a leader edition Santa beard on it but the picture lack decent space at the bottom to put in a decent looking beard so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Next time I get on my desktop at home I'll see if I can add some extra space for you.  

  5. It could have been $22B and I still would have picked the same option.  


    As a 10 yo, you appreciate things in the moment (the toy you have, the sandwich you're eating, the hug from mom).  But as soon as that moment passes, the appreciation does as well.  To be able to go back and appreciate things more, carry more memories into my old age, and have a much more fulfilling life, regardless of money, is far more valuable to me.  

  6. To all of you celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA, Happy Thanksgiving!  To everyone not celebrating it, Happy Thanksgiving to you anyway.



    This year, I'm so thankful for the strength my wife and I have been given as we prepare for growing our family. For the health of our little one and my wife. I'm thankful for the opportunity to play a silly game with all of you wonderful people (yes, even you @RedFive).


    Even if you're not celebrating the formal holiday, today is a good time to pause and reflect on the year that is drawing to a close. To be grateful for what you have. And to keep these ideas in mind as we enter the holiday season.


    Happy Thanksgiving, TKR. 



    • Upvote 10
  7. 7 minutes ago, Mitsuru said:

    I'm not surprised that on an American forum, instead of naming just the classical flavors, people come up with stuff like "Double Fudge Browny Peanut Butter Oreo Vanilla Reese Deluxe with Sprinkles" as their favorite flavor.

    What do you mean by this statement?  :Khilafah:


    EDIT:  Also, get those sprinkles off my double fudge brownie peanut butter Oreo vanilla Reese deluxe, dammit

    • Upvote 2
  8. On 11/10/2017 at 8:22 PM, Micchan said:

    Uh also ground battles, now soldiers die a lot while tanks are hard to destroy, especially if the enemy has zero/few soldiers and only tanks, you need to know how to use the soldiers well, only 50 soldiers + tanks, rebuild only part of your soldiers and keep some to be able to do ground battles when you need, we should teach well these things to all our players


    @Nizam Adrienne


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