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Posts posted by Macharius

  1. My name is from the most badass non-modified human beings in the entire Imperium, Lord Solar Macharius. 


    Macharius is the greatest Warmaster/Lord Solar ever (I would contend even moreso than Horus or the Emperor), who was impressively as smart as the Primarchs and as good a leader as the Emperor even though he doesn't have the benefit of warpfuckery. He conquered all the planets all the way up to the Halo Stars, which is really impressive, but he also was killed by the Officio Assassinorum because he was getting kinda sick. 


    So Macharius represents why I love the WH40k universe so much — I find it's an incredibly realistic portrayal of humanity. All the fans of the Imperium like to think that the Universe would've been so great if the Horus Heresy never happened, but when the Imperium was given a chance in the form of Macharius, they killed him for "optics."


    Also, @Dio tell your guy he's got the canon wrong.
    From 1d4chan:
    PS: Lord Solar is a title given the guy in charge of an Imperial Crusade ordered straight by the High Lords of Terra, the equivalent of Warmaster (but they prefer to avoid that one for... reasons). Unlike what many believe at first sight, he wasn't named after Sol, Terra's lifegiving star (as awesome as that might otherwise sound). Macharius' first name is actually never mentioned in the fluff.
    From the wiki:

    It was once believed that Solar Macharius was Macharius' full name, and that his military rank in the Imperial Guard was Lord Commander; however, revelations of "Lord Solar" being an auxiliary title for the rarely bestowed Imperial rank of Warmaster (the latter held by the Arch-Traitor Horus, and thus scorned and viewed as an ill-omen by some after the Horus Heresy) have led to questions as to whether "Solar" was part of his title, or part of his name. The newest Imperial Guard codex mentions the title of Lord Solar "most gloriously being held by St. Macharius," and the actual recorded dialogue between him and his deputy commander, General Sejanus, refers to him as "the Lord Solar." 

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  2. Alright! Let's get this league started! 


    These are the teams, and the divisions. I've taken some liberties with the names, but they have the same feel as the suggestions that have been implemented. The ones in the normal league are all randomly generated, except for the New York Radiants (New York Black Knights was in fact randomly generated, so I thought this rivalry would be fun).




    The more important settings. I decided not to do an inaugural draft, because I like having a randomly generated team. There's also 162 games, so through the season I'm going to do 9 updates of 18 games each to say the least.



    This is real, this is me. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now (leading the Chicago Mafiosos). I've kept myself out of the AL, instead choosing to lead one of the NL Midwest teams.


    Here's the settings I've selected, so I'm moving onto phase 2 - asking for names!


    Here are the available positions players. The first people to respond will get the starters, and so on. 

    Catcher x2

    1st Baseman

    2nd Baseman x2

    3rd Baseman x2

    Short Stop

    Outfield x5


    And here are the available pitchers. All of these guys will get significant playing time, but the first people to respond will get the highest rated players and so on so forth.

    Starting Pitcher x5

    Relief Pitcher x6



  3. One of my most cherished games that I own is a baseball simulation program that allows you to do whatever you wish in the world of Baseball. The game, called OOTP '20, allows you to simulate a league from the perspective of a manager, a GM, or a God.


    After a disappointing loss by the Cubs today, I loaded up the sim and got to work — but I realized I couldn't play my Cubs run through today since I didn't want to think about the Cubs anymore. I also realized that this was a part of the forum I could really get behind!


    So I'm going to create a fictional league, and be the GM of one of the teams as I lead it to the championships. But I want to get the whole alliance involved! So, the league is going to have 16 teams:




    Literally everything can have custom names. Each team, 1-16 needs a name. Additionally, the divisions, the sub leagues (National League and American League) and the league overall needs a name. I'll allow the alliance to contribute names for anything until Sunday, where I'll create the league and meet my team! 


    So, here's the naming procedure. Write your suggestions like this:

    Sub League 1&2 - Eastern and Western Leagues
    Division 1 - Wagon Division


    Team 1 - Chicago Meatpackers



    Edit: Try to avoid real teams! I want to see some fun new team names, like the Mississippi Meth Gators!

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  4. Round 1:
    Poll 1

    Winner: Herald of War (@GoldyHammer
    Winner: Herald of Foreign Affairs (@Benfro)
    Winner: Herald of Fabrials (@Pdunny)


    Poll 2

    Shard Nominee (@Infinite Citadel) vs Herald of the People (@nashnwo0)
    High Prince of FA (@Cooper) vs High Princess of FA (@Menhera)

    Poll 3

    High Prince of Internal Stuff Battle (@Azaghul vs @Yir Yoronti vs @Mitsuru vs @Augustus Caesar vs @Goaty Mcgoatface
    High Prince of War Battle (@Miller vs @Sargun vs @Sholman vs @Hariff vs @Blink)

  5. Round 1:
    Poll 1

    Herald of War (@GoldyHammer) vs Herald of Growth (@schirminator)
    Herald of Internal Affairs (@Modi) vs Herald of Foreign Affairs (@Benfro)
    Herald of Fabrials (@Pdunny) vs Prince of Fabrials (@japan77)


    Poll 2

    Shard Nominee (@Infinite Citadel) vs Herald of the People (@nashnwo0)
    High Prince of FA (@Cooper) vs High Princess of FA (@Menhera)

    Poll 3

    High Prince of Internal Stuff Battle (@Azaghul vs @Yir Yoronti vs @Mitsuru vs @Augustus Caesar vs @Goaty Mcgoatface
    High Prince of War Battle (@Miller vs @Sargun vs @Sholman vs @Hariff vs @Blink)

    • Thanks 1
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  6. Since it would be weird for @Hariff to run the tKR gov bracket, seeing as he is one of the choices, I've taken the liberty of offering to run it (which he accepted). 


    This is how the first round will work, and it will be up for 3 days :D. Our queen will not be included because I couldn't find a good place for her (sorry :():

    I'm starting with the Prelim round so that anyone can lodge a complaint if they don't like how round one is structured. 

    Preliminary Round:
    Shard Battle (IC vs Lordship vs TCL)

    Round 1:
    Herald of War vs Herald of Growth
    Herald of Internal Affairs vs Herald of Foreign Affairs

    Shard Nominee (Winner of Shard Battle) vs Herald of the People
    Herald of Fabrials (PDunny) vs Prince of Fabrials (Japan77)

    High Prince of War Battle (Miller vs Sargun vs Sholman vs Hariff vs Blink)
    High Prince of Internal Stuff Battle (Azaghul vs Yir Yoronti vs Mitsuru vs AC vs Goaty)
    High Prince of FA vs High Princess of FA

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  7. A lot of people read, so what's your favorite book genres and why? Please leave a message in the comments below.


    Don't forget to like, favorite, and subscribe.


    My favorite is (I've been reading a lot of books lately and looking to branch out genres) My favorite is fantasy, just because I like the mixture of magic and medieval warfare and prophecies and etc., and because the Inheritance cycle was the first major book series I've ever read [plus SLA is great].

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  8. On 4/13/2019 at 10:05 AM, Szeth said:

    blah blah

    Quoting Szeth because I think Szeth is one of my favorite characters. I love his interactions with Nin and Lift, and I think him and Nightblood are a really cool pairing. I think that he's got a lot of reckoning to do, but when he swears the Oath to Dalinar.


    Also, Taravangian because a) I relate to the varying swings of intelligence on what's basically a day to day basis (I'm never as smart as Diagram TV, but here's hoping :P) and because b) I think Taravangian is gonna have a pseudo-redemption arc.


    Also also, fuck Moash.

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  9. On 6/24/2019 at 10:22 AM, Horatio Longworth said:

    I enjoyed reading every Taravangian POV, as much as it angered me as well.

    I just finished the books :D so I'm joining the party late.


    But something that I liked from the Taravangian POV chapters was that the author of the Diagram had a god-like intellect, so much so that even Odium couldn't read the entire thing and understand it. I think Diagram Taravangian knows that Taravangian has to work with Dalinar, but that Taravangian can't know that he's working with Dalinar or else Odium will foil that plot, so he made this convoluted plot. I think that's also why Graves my have misinterpreted part of the diagram — and why Taravangian isn't so sure that Dalinar truly is the opponent.

    Maybe at the end of RoW or close to the end of Book 5, the diagram will change (like how the words appeared at the end of OB) and reveal what Taravangian needs to know about Dalinar.


    This is literally all conjecture :D but ...

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, nashnwo0 said:

    Round 1
    1) If you couldn't be in the Government position you are right now what other government position would you pick?

    • Econ 
    • A shard :D . All the fun of being included in high gov chats with minimal responsibility. @Nizam Adrienne
    • HPoFA. 
    • How but goldy is perfect for the role. @Benfro
    • if i wasn't in my department then i'd have to be milcom. tax dodging wallguarders seem to have it alright. 
    • Either King or low gov milcom. King because I would enjoy giving back to the alliance which has given me so much. Low Gov Milcom because it would be someone else's fault when military stuff goes wrong.
    • Herald of Econ
    • High King @Blink
    • I'd be king! :D #coupniz 
    • I would probably pick Head of propaganda
    • IA
    • Hmmm milcom prodigious use of pings and burning pixels is a good smell
    • Internal Affairs

    2) You wake up to The Stormlight Archives has never been made what other theme would you want TKR built around?

    • The Amtrak Wars, if you haven't read them you should https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amtrak_Wars
    • Folklore, tales and mythology
    • Game of Thrones maybe
    • KFC
    • Ender's Game maybe. Or the Aztecs.
    • Mistborn - The Final Empire @Infinite Citadel
    • Star Wars
    • Ponies
    • Harry Potter
    • Cornish folklore and myths
    • I'd opt for a theme around the bible. god as leader, jesus and second, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse as heralds
    • Communist Russia - gulag archipelago style
    • Not sure, themes aren't really my thing I guess like rollercoasters or something @Mitsuru


    3) If NPO and BK were never a alliance who would TKR's arch enemy be?


    • Probably like KT
    • Acadia
    • Arrgh
    • KETOGG
    • Probably KT/TGH, I'd imagine. They're two of the next biggest alliances, they run their alliances fairly well, are good at war, they'd be good opponents.
    • t$
    • Boredom @Mitsuru
    • Maybe KT/TGH
    • T$
    • Rose
    • There are no arch enemies only those that have yet to hit the shit list!
    • arrgh scum every day of the week
    • t$


    4) What is the best part of your Job in Government?


    • Chatting with other gov @Menhera
    • Embezzling money. @Mitsuru
    • How there's several things I can do in a day. I don't feel chained to 1 particular task.
    • Watching our members' nation's grow
    • The members without them there is no job
    • Keeping this community thriving and moving for our members.
    • Getting to know the very interesting history of orbis
    • being able to disappear for weeks on end @GoldyHammer
    • Working with a variety of people and helping to grow the Orbis community 
    • I like helping others in strategy and tactics.
    •  the best part of my job is making sure everyone has a good time from day 1. @Hariff
    • Being able to contribute to the community I love...and burning pixels...mostly the pixels bit. @Blink
    • I like how even though I have a set department, I can run other things as well both government stuff and just for everyone @Infinite Citadel

    5) Since there is Pigs, Deer, Goats, a seal and other animals in TKR if you could be any animal what animal would you be?


    • An Eagle - not because of its symbolic attachment to American power/freedom but because it features in a quote which a teacher once wrote in my year book and the quote still resonates with me today.
    • Dog
    • i'd be a tortoise, just chill out all day every day. @Hariff
    • A cat
    • Turtle (tortoise and the hare)
    • Honey Badger
    • I would beeee.......... a...... lion. Or a bear. But probably a lion.
    • Tiger
    • Giraffe
    • Unicorn
    • Well I am the seal so... @Mitsuru
    • zebra
    • Raven

    More answers as I update this :D


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  11. This is super cool so I'm going to share some photos from a New Zealand trip that I took on winter break. I actually signed up for PnW in NZ, so that's a fun coinkydink. These are all my photos and I'm proud of them because I think they look really nice. This is working backwards through the trip :v


    This is from Hobbiton (a.k.a the Shire). It's near Auckland, and really the only manmade thing of note on the North Island. The North Island also has some really cool volcanos, but my trip wasn't long enough to visit those.



    Actually, I lied. I did get to visit a geothermal hot spring, which was really cool. Rotorua (this place) is formed on top of a place with a lot of geothermal activity, so these pools are heated and often boiling. They are colored by various minerals and all that mix with the water.


    These were the waterfalls coming back from Milford Sound, a natural sound. It's basically always raining at Milford Sound, so these are semi-permanent, but these only appear when it's raining.
    Here are some photos of the Sound itself. New Zealand really makes you feel like an ant.
    Wait a sec... is that?
    I think?
    It is! A wild @Mitsuru spotted!
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  12. Thank you for your interest in joining The Knights Radiant!
    I am Lord Macharius and I will help you with this process.
    We're honored that you are interested in joining our community, and looking forward to getting to know you!  Please answer the following standard questions below, thanks!

    We require that you use the leader name in game as your name on the forum and on slack. Do you agree to do that? (Y/N)
    We require the usage of Slack, a free chatting application available for both desktop and mobile, for all members. Will you be okay with this? (Y/N)
    For military preparedness, TKR requires all of our members to maintain a warchest of resources required for war.  Are you ok with this? (Y/N)
    Have you played any similar nation sim games before (example: cybernations, nationstates): (Y/N)   If yes, which alliances were you in, and for how long?
    What made you pick TKR over other alliances?
    How active will you be?

    What time zone will you usually play the game in?
    Two very important questions: 
    There seem to be multiple networks on your unique ID, is there an explanation for that (maybe it's just friends on the same network or all started nations on a school computer?)
    Also, we are in the middle of a war - will you be willing to jump right into the war if you are accepted?


    Once you reach a level of comfort and experience in the game, would you be interested in helping out with the day-to-day operations of the alliance? If so, which of the following areas might interest you?

    Internal Affairs: IA can be thought of like the internal management of the alliance. They are responsible for recruiting, educating the members, improving the alliance's public relations, managing the alliance roster and refreshing the community. An entry level role is being an Oathkeeper, a person who interviews alliance applicants. As an Oathkeeper, I am part of this department.

    Foreign Affairs: As an FA diplomat, you would be the eyes and ears of TKR in the world of Orbis. Diplomats are given assignments on different alliances and are responsible for maintaining channels of communication, improving/maintaining our relationships, etc. In short, you are the face of the alliance to the rest of the world, and it's your duty to honorably represent TKR in a positive manner.

    Milcom: These are the people who help organize and coordinate the TKR military forces. One of the entry level Milcom roles is a Bridge Crew Leader. They assist in the planning of offensive and defensive operations with guidance from high command or other leaders, as well as ensuring that members are building/maintaining their militaries properly.

    Misc. Skills: And we can always use help from people with graphics expertise and/or coding skills!

    Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon!
    TKR! o/

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